- Meeting in Shanghai, Kexin Polymer sincerely invites you to visit 2018-01-15
- The 20th Yuyao Plastics Exhibition is coming. Are you all ready 2018-10-26
- Warmly congratulate our company on the success of the 18th China Plastics Expo 2018-01-15
- Coxin Group -- Turkey International Plastics Industry Exhibition 2019 2019-12-14
- TPR manufacturers: process steps and requirements of injection molding tpr 2020-12-30
- TPR manufacturers: the difference between TPR soft rubber and silicone, soft PVC material 2021-01-02
- TPR manufacturers: precautions for injection molding tpr process 2021-01-05
- Kexin Group | Chinaplas2024 Successfully Ends 2024-04-27
- Kexin Group | Chinaplas2024 Shaping the Future 2024-04-20
- TPR manufacturers: TPR soft rubber in the toy industry application and performance requirements 2020-12-27
- TPE manufacturers: talk about TPE, TPR self-adhesive, co-adhesive and its application 2020-12-24
- TPE manufacturers: what is the difference between TPE and tpr 2020-12-21
- TPE manufacturers: the advantages of TPE encapsulation 2020-12-15
- TPE manufacturers: TPE encapsulation problem solving Daquan 2020-12-17
- TPE manufacturers: Detailed explanation of TPE encapsulation 2020-12-11
- TPE manufacturers: classification of TPE encapsulation 2020-12-13
- 【月度大會】科(kē)信高分(fēn)子再現亮眼成績單:11月份總銷量再創新(xīn)高! 2020-12-04
- Leaders of Kunshan Federation of Industry and Commerce visited Kexin to gain an in-depth understanding of the needs and help the new development of the company! 2020-12-04
- good news! ! ! 2020-11-28
- POM包膠脫落怎麽辦(bàn) 2020-11-28
- 科(kē)信集團10月總結大會 2020-11-05
- 聚焦科(kē)信高分(fēn)子餘姚塑博會 2020-11-05
- 劇透!科(kē)信高分(fēn)子将攜重磅産(chǎn)品亮相2020餘姚塑博會,先來一睹為(wèi)快! 2020-10-31
- 讓我帶你,走進科(kē)信(四) 2020-10-31
- 昆山(shān)科(kē)信高分(fēn)子喜獲“專精(jīng)特新(xīn)企業” 2020-10-17
- 抗靜電(diàn)我們是認真的 2020-10-17
- 科(kē)信“新(xīn)征程” 2020-10-17
- 科(kē)信集團9月總結大會 2020-10-06
- 2020年中(zhōng)秋國(guó)慶公(gōng)司放假通知 2020-09-29
- 科(kē)信高分(fēn)子邢台辦(bàn)事處——開業啦 2020-09-29
- 讓我帶你,走進科(kē)信(三) 2020-09-29
- 科(kē)信集團石牌分(fēn)廠二期項目正式開工(gōng) 2020-09-18
- 讓我帶你,走進科(kē)信(二) 2020-09-18
- 科(kē)信集團8月總結大會 2020-09-08
- 熱烈慶祝科(kē)信高分(fēn)子成為(wèi)和碩二級供應商(shāng) 2020-09-08
- 讓我帶你,走進科(kē)信(一) 2020-09-08
- 滁州市政協副主席王成山(shān)一行莅臨指導 2020-08-28
- 科(kē)信高分(fēn)子——中(zhōng)國(guó)國(guó)際地面材料及鋪裝(zhuāng)技(jì )術展覽會 2020-08-28
- 匠心不論光陰,品質(zhì)不忘初心 2020-08-28
- 科(kē)信集團7月總結大會 2020-08-03
- 招賢納士,“職”等你來 (部分(fēn)職位已招滿) 2020-07-23
- 招賢納士,“職”等你來 2020-07-10
- 科(kē)信集團6月總結大會 2020-07-03
- 科(kē)信高分(fēn)子5月總結大會 2020-06-04
- 科(kē)信高分(fēn)子餘姚辦(bàn)事處——開業啦 2020-05-22
- 科(kē)信高分(fēn)子——餘姚辦(bàn)事處即将開業 2020-05-20
- 科(kē)信高分(fēn)子——PA包膠最佳解決方案 2020-05-20
- 科(kē)信集團12月總結與表彰大會 2020-01-04
- 科(kē)信集團2020春節放假通知(附物(wù)流停運時間表) 2020-01-04
- 塑膠異型材擠出定型的重要性和技(jì )巧 2020-01-04
- Summary meeting of Kexin Group in June 2019-07-19
- The summary meeting of Kexin Group in July 2019-08-08
- Summary and Commendation Conference of Kexin Group in November 2019-12-14